Nadine Gamble
Writer of Children's Books | 805-419-3645

About Me

No wonder I love books!

This is my Dad.

He made sure I was surrounded by them.

This is my Mom sneaking away to the garage for a few minutes to read. She helped, too. When my sister and I got old enough, she drew us a map on an index card like this:

We used the map to walk to the library by ourselves. We had our own library cards and made regular trips all summer long.

My favorite books were ones that took me to other worlds and places. I hoped I would travel the world someday. When a Peace Corps representative visited one of my college classes, I decided to apply. I was sent to a tiny island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean called Kosrae, part of the Federated States of Micronesia. It’s also called the Island of the Sleeping Lady.

On this island, I met a young Naval officer. We met on a dirt road. He was driving around this tiny island looking for shoelaces. Everyone on the island wore flip flops! Duh! He never found those shoelaces, but we found each other and are still married today! My husband was in the Navy for twenty-five years and we lived in all these places:

I taught in Montessori schools for many years. My favorite part was teaching preschoolers how to read!

I started writing for children many years ago and am a graduate of the Institute for Children’s Literature. I am a current member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators and strive to improve my writing each day.